Daniel Rivas Perez
Hi, I'm Daniel. I work as a software engineer at Watershed.

I know kind of a lot about arranging rectangles on a screen and divining the inner workings of JavaScript frameworks, but I also like fiddling around with compilers and array buffers.
I live in Crystal Palace, London.

I periodically change this site to mess around with CSS stuff, some of which is new, so it might not look entirely correct in your browser.
If you're up-to-date and it still looks weird, pretend it's intentional.

Depending on who you are, you may want to see my Github profile or LinkedIn profile. Neither are particularly interesting, but you never know.
Here are some links, some of which are quite old.
- Github
- Photos
- widgets
- one million pseudo-randomly generated digits
- guitar tuner
- HSL colour picker
- WASM raycasting demo
- Regex compiler and visualiser
- Game of Life in a compute shader (requires WebGPU)